I love rainy season and as i'm close to nature i grab this opportunity.. the BARDA range of mountain is 5km from my native, the place is know as GHUMALI.. I'll let you knw d history of GHUMALI later on someday.. but in short GHUMALI was CAPITAL of NAVANAGAR STATE [which now known as JAMNAGAR]..
So many place to visit in lap of nature.. you must enjoy and remember your one visit GAURANTEED!!
Amazing scenario of BARDA range of mountain.. after first fall of rain..
Picture is not allowed but I take this one.. Its of AASHAPURA MATAJI up @ the hill
you can see the greenery all over the mountain.. nature is always best!!
In between got chance..
No need to give any description about above all pic as you know its me, me n me..
will see you with some text soon!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My visit to Unjha.. UMIYA MATAJI
You can read it by yourself.. but if you're not GUJARATI than there's prob.. coz its in GUJARATI.. well, the pic describin the history of the Temple..
This is Temple though they're not allow us to take pic of MATAJI, otherwise all get chance to DARSHAN ONLINE.. but than after for those who never visit its a good journey to be there..
Havin two pic of Mandir so placed it...
It's me fortunately there.. to show you all these pics..
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sanskrit Name : Hartālam
Hindi : Hartāl
Gujarati : Hartāl
English : Orpiment, Yellow Arsenic
Formula : As2S3
Āl Natbhooshan Vanshpatra Karchur
Natmandanak Vangari Kharjoor Vidalak
Shailabhooshan Chitragandha Mallagandhaj Haritāl
Tāl Romahrat Tālak Pinjara
Romaharana Alara
1. According to ancient texts Talaka is said to be originated from the discharge produced during sexual acts of Lord SHIVA and Ma PARVATI i.e. ‘Sivayoh suratanandarasajam talakam’.
2. As a result of the combination of Arsenic with Sulphur.
Orpiment, As2S3, is a common monoclinic arsenic sulfide mineral. It has a Mohs hardness of 1.5 to 2 and a specific gravity of 3.46. It melts at 300 °C to 325 °C. Optically it is biaxial (−) with refractive indices of a=2.4, b=2.81, g=3.02.
Orpiment, though abundant than realgar, is not a common mineral. It is usually found in foliated or columnor masses with a bright yellow color.
The pure mineral contains 39% of Sulphur and 61% of Arsenic, corresponding to the formula AS2S3. It thus contains about 9% more Sulphur that does realgar.
The monoclinic orpiment crystals have the symmetry of the prismatic class. Though always, small they are distinctly Prismatic with an orthorhombic habit. It is usually in foliated or granular masses, sometimes as crusts.
Cleavage is perfect. Folias are flexible but not elastic slightly sectile.
Hardness 1.5 to 2; specific gravity 3.5; luster resinous to pearly i.e. pearly on cleavage faces and resinous at other surfaces lemon yellow color and streak translucent to opaque.
Very much realgar but differs in color, when heated to 100oc it becomes red, it however, resumes its original color on cooling but when heated to 150oc the change is permanent.
It is formed from realgar with which it is commonly associated. The mineral is non-conductor of electricity. Its sublimed in the close tube is yellow. It is found in nature and prepared artificially also by the treatment of arsenic acid with H2S under high pressure.
Orpiment is also known as "King's Yellow", "Chinese Yellow" and "Yellow Orpiment"
Historical uses
It was an important item of trade in the Roman Empire and was used as a medicine in China although it is highly toxic. It was also used as a fly poison and to poison arrows. Because of its striking colour, it was also a favourite with alchemists searching for a way to make gold, both in China and the West.
Orpiment was ground, processed and used for centuries as a pigment in painting, being one of the few clear, bright yellow pigments available to artists up until the 19th century. Orpiment presented problems, however, such as its extreme toxicity and its incompatibility with other common pigments like lead and copper-based substances such as verdigris and azurite. The use of orpiment as a pigment matter ended almost entirely with the advent of the cadmium yellows and the various dye-based colors of the 19th century.
Contemporary uses
It is presently used in the production of infrared-transmitting glass, oil cloth, linoleum; in semiconductors and photoconductors, as a pigment and in fireworks. Mixed with two parts of slaked lime, orpiment is still very commonly used in rural India as a depilatory. It is also used in the tanning industry to remove hair from hides.
1. Patratala – Uttama
2. Pindatala – Adhama
Hindi : Hartāl
Gujarati : Hartāl
English : Orpiment, Yellow Arsenic
Formula : As2S3
Āl Natbhooshan Vanshpatra Karchur
Natmandanak Vangari Kharjoor Vidalak
Shailabhooshan Chitragandha Mallagandhaj Haritāl
Tāl Romahrat Tālak Pinjara
Romaharana Alara
1. According to ancient texts Talaka is said to be originated from the discharge produced during sexual acts of Lord SHIVA and Ma PARVATI i.e. ‘Sivayoh suratanandarasajam talakam’.
2. As a result of the combination of Arsenic with Sulphur.
Orpiment, As2S3, is a common monoclinic arsenic sulfide mineral. It has a Mohs hardness of 1.5 to 2 and a specific gravity of 3.46. It melts at 300 °C to 325 °C. Optically it is biaxial (−) with refractive indices of a=2.4, b=2.81, g=3.02.
Orpiment, though abundant than realgar, is not a common mineral. It is usually found in foliated or columnor masses with a bright yellow color.
The pure mineral contains 39% of Sulphur and 61% of Arsenic, corresponding to the formula AS2S3. It thus contains about 9% more Sulphur that does realgar.
The monoclinic orpiment crystals have the symmetry of the prismatic class. Though always, small they are distinctly Prismatic with an orthorhombic habit. It is usually in foliated or granular masses, sometimes as crusts.
Cleavage is perfect. Folias are flexible but not elastic slightly sectile.
Hardness 1.5 to 2; specific gravity 3.5; luster resinous to pearly i.e. pearly on cleavage faces and resinous at other surfaces lemon yellow color and streak translucent to opaque.
Very much realgar but differs in color, when heated to 100oc it becomes red, it however, resumes its original color on cooling but when heated to 150oc the change is permanent.
It is formed from realgar with which it is commonly associated. The mineral is non-conductor of electricity. Its sublimed in the close tube is yellow. It is found in nature and prepared artificially also by the treatment of arsenic acid with H2S under high pressure.
Orpiment is also known as "King's Yellow", "Chinese Yellow" and "Yellow Orpiment"
Historical uses
It was an important item of trade in the Roman Empire and was used as a medicine in China although it is highly toxic. It was also used as a fly poison and to poison arrows. Because of its striking colour, it was also a favourite with alchemists searching for a way to make gold, both in China and the West.
Orpiment was ground, processed and used for centuries as a pigment in painting, being one of the few clear, bright yellow pigments available to artists up until the 19th century. Orpiment presented problems, however, such as its extreme toxicity and its incompatibility with other common pigments like lead and copper-based substances such as verdigris and azurite. The use of orpiment as a pigment matter ended almost entirely with the advent of the cadmium yellows and the various dye-based colors of the 19th century.
Contemporary uses
It is presently used in the production of infrared-transmitting glass, oil cloth, linoleum; in semiconductors and photoconductors, as a pigment and in fireworks. Mixed with two parts of slaked lime, orpiment is still very commonly used in rural India as a depilatory. It is also used in the tanning industry to remove hair from hides.
1. Patratala – Uttama
2. Pindatala – Adhama
In ‘Rasajala Nidhi’ four varieties have been mentioned, Viz
1. Patratala
2. Pindatala
3. Gadanti Haratala
4. Bakadala - These two varieties are rare.
1. Patratala – Guru [heavy], Snigdha [greasy], Swarna varna [golden color], Bhaswra[bright], having many thin lemilias. It is considered best because it does not certain much impurities.
2. Pindatala – it is just like pinda[mass], patrarahita[without lamilise], laghu[light] and swalpasatva[having low metallic content], nisprabha[dull]. It consider inferior as it may contain more impurities.
Artificial method:
Ref. RasaTarangini - 11/9-12
Su. Sankhiya 49part
Su. Gandhak 24part
Triturate in Kharal --- heat in Damru yantra ---- swangsheet ---- upper side of the pot Hartal get collected carefully --- s. hartal
Rasa: Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
Guna: Snigdha, Guru, Usna
Virya: Usna
Vipak: X
Karma: Kusthahara, visa-rakth – bhutanut, stripushpaharana, romaharaka, dipana, angdipti-kantikarak, balakara, vrushya, pushtikara, ojasakara, agnikara, mrityuhara,
Doshprabhav: vatashleshmahara, tridoshghna[R.T.]
Vyadhiprabhav: vataroga, sleshmaroga, raktapitta, vatarakta, kustha, kandu, visarpa, dadru, pama, slipada, swasa, kasa, visaroga, jwara, katigraha, gudamaya, ksaya, prameha, asyaroga, vrana, raktavikara, kaphapittajroga, mrtyu,
Reduced Kanti of body, raises body temperature contracts with body parts and organs, induces body pain, increases kaphavata, produces prameha and kustha rogas.
Unpurified and reduced Talaka [orpiment] is likely to produce following effect or symptoms in the body hence; it should be purified and incinerated before use.
1. Shodhana drugs:
1. Kushmanda, 2. Churnodaka, 3. Tiktarasa, 4. Snuhidugdha,
5. Sachurnakanjika, 6. Tilataila, 7. Ksharajala, 8. Tankan
9. Salmali kashaya, 10. Jambiradrava, 11. Triphaladrava.
2. Process and Apparatus:
1. Swedana – Dolayantra for one yama to 3 days.
2. Bhavana 7-100 times, 3. Vastrapottalibandhana & pachana
4. Kshalana [Washing]
Rasa Tarangini 11/16-18
Nimbu swarasa
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan with nimbu sw. than in water
Rasa Tarangini 11/19-20
Petha swarasa, triphala kwath / lime water
Dola Yantra
1st petha sw. swedan, 2nd lime water / triphala kwath for 6hr.
Rasa Tarangini 11/21-22
Tila kshar jala
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa Tarangini 11/23-24
Shalmalimool swarasa,
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa Tarangini 11/25-26
Lime water
Khalva yantra
7 bhavanas
Rasa prakash shudhakar 6/4
Kushmand swarasa/kshar mishrit jal/ churnodak
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa manjjari 3/70
Tila taila
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
1. Mārana drug : yavkshār, salmalikshār
2. Bhāvana drugs : brahmamula kashaya having the consistency of honey [3 times], mahish mutra, apāmārga jatajala, ksharodaka, chāngeri rasa, nimburasa, kumāri rasa.
3. Apparatus : balukāyantra, kushamandapurana, sarav-samputa
4. Agnimātra : balukāyantrapaka – 4 yāma and 12 yāma, 10-12 vanyopalagni, 12 putas
Rasa tarangini 11/26-29
Punarnava swarasa
Kharal, bhasmayantra
Mardan – chakrikā –bhasmayantra – fill with punarnavā kshār – heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/30-34
Pipal bark kwath
Kharal, bhasmayantra
21 bhāvana – chakrikā – to the neck pipal bark kwāth – 12hr heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/35-38
Ark ksheer
Kharal, bhasmayantra
Mardan – chakrikā – fill half part in B.Yantra – heat 12hr – white clrd bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/42-44
Palāshmool kwāth, Mahish mutra
Kharal, bhasmayantra
3 bhāvna each – chakrikā – kapitputa – heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa manjjari 3/72-73
Ghritakumāri swarasa
Valukā yantra
Bhāvana – chakrikā – sarāv samputa – 36hr heat – swāngsheet – bhasma obtained
Dose : ¼ to ½ Rati
Rasarnav 7/76-77
Amlatas fruit kshar, kushmand swaras, punarnava swarasa
Kharal, patan yantra
1week mardan – fill in patanyantra – puta – Gaj shaped satva obtained
Rasa chintamani 5/119-121
Atasi taila, saindhav,
Empty iron vessel heat – add atasi taila + hartal – heat – take in clay pot – sandhi bandhan -6hr heat – obtained stava
Rasa prakash shudhakar 6/6-10
Kullath kwath, tankan, buffalo’s ghee, honey, errand beej
Kharal, valuka yantra
Triturate for 1day with each ingredient, dry made pills – 36hr heat – swangsheeta – white satva obtained from neck
Properties of Satva : Bright, heavy, silvery, not evaporate in contact with fire
Dose: ½ to 1 gunja
Use kajjali and sharakara for 3 days or use yavakshar, kushmanda and rajhansas juice for 3 days. These drugs act as an antidote and thus prevent its bad effects.
1. Patratala
2. Pindatala
3. Gadanti Haratala
4. Bakadala - These two varieties are rare.
1. Patratala – Guru [heavy], Snigdha [greasy], Swarna varna [golden color], Bhaswra[bright], having many thin lemilias. It is considered best because it does not certain much impurities.
2. Pindatala – it is just like pinda[mass], patrarahita[without lamilise], laghu[light] and swalpasatva[having low metallic content], nisprabha[dull]. It consider inferior as it may contain more impurities.
Artificial method:
Ref. RasaTarangini - 11/9-12
Su. Sankhiya 49part
Su. Gandhak 24part
Triturate in Kharal --- heat in Damru yantra ---- swangsheet ---- upper side of the pot Hartal get collected carefully --- s. hartal
Rasa: Katu, Tikta, Kashaya
Guna: Snigdha, Guru, Usna
Virya: Usna
Vipak: X
Karma: Kusthahara, visa-rakth – bhutanut, stripushpaharana, romaharaka, dipana, angdipti-kantikarak, balakara, vrushya, pushtikara, ojasakara, agnikara, mrityuhara,
Doshprabhav: vatashleshmahara, tridoshghna[R.T.]
Vyadhiprabhav: vataroga, sleshmaroga, raktapitta, vatarakta, kustha, kandu, visarpa, dadru, pama, slipada, swasa, kasa, visaroga, jwara, katigraha, gudamaya, ksaya, prameha, asyaroga, vrana, raktavikara, kaphapittajroga, mrtyu,
Reduced Kanti of body, raises body temperature contracts with body parts and organs, induces body pain, increases kaphavata, produces prameha and kustha rogas.
Unpurified and reduced Talaka [orpiment] is likely to produce following effect or symptoms in the body hence; it should be purified and incinerated before use.
1. Shodhana drugs:
1. Kushmanda, 2. Churnodaka, 3. Tiktarasa, 4. Snuhidugdha,
5. Sachurnakanjika, 6. Tilataila, 7. Ksharajala, 8. Tankan
9. Salmali kashaya, 10. Jambiradrava, 11. Triphaladrava.
2. Process and Apparatus:
1. Swedana – Dolayantra for one yama to 3 days.
2. Bhavana 7-100 times, 3. Vastrapottalibandhana & pachana
4. Kshalana [Washing]
Rasa Tarangini 11/16-18
Nimbu swarasa
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan with nimbu sw. than in water
Rasa Tarangini 11/19-20
Petha swarasa, triphala kwath / lime water
Dola Yantra
1st petha sw. swedan, 2nd lime water / triphala kwath for 6hr.
Rasa Tarangini 11/21-22
Tila kshar jala
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa Tarangini 11/23-24
Shalmalimool swarasa,
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa Tarangini 11/25-26
Lime water
Khalva yantra
7 bhavanas
Rasa prakash shudhakar 6/4
Kushmand swarasa/kshar mishrit jal/ churnodak
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
Rasa manjjari 3/70
Tila taila
Dola Yantra
3 hr. swedan
1. Mārana drug : yavkshār, salmalikshār
2. Bhāvana drugs : brahmamula kashaya having the consistency of honey [3 times], mahish mutra, apāmārga jatajala, ksharodaka, chāngeri rasa, nimburasa, kumāri rasa.
3. Apparatus : balukāyantra, kushamandapurana, sarav-samputa
4. Agnimātra : balukāyantrapaka – 4 yāma and 12 yāma, 10-12 vanyopalagni, 12 putas
Rasa tarangini 11/26-29
Punarnava swarasa
Kharal, bhasmayantra
Mardan – chakrikā –bhasmayantra – fill with punarnavā kshār – heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/30-34
Pipal bark kwath
Kharal, bhasmayantra
21 bhāvana – chakrikā – to the neck pipal bark kwāth – 12hr heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/35-38
Ark ksheer
Kharal, bhasmayantra
Mardan – chakrikā – fill half part in B.Yantra – heat 12hr – white clrd bhasma obtained
Rasa tarangini 11/42-44
Palāshmool kwāth, Mahish mutra
Kharal, bhasmayantra
3 bhāvna each – chakrikā – kapitputa – heat – bhasma obtained
Rasa manjjari 3/72-73
Ghritakumāri swarasa
Valukā yantra
Bhāvana – chakrikā – sarāv samputa – 36hr heat – swāngsheet – bhasma obtained
Dose : ¼ to ½ Rati
Rasarnav 7/76-77
Amlatas fruit kshar, kushmand swaras, punarnava swarasa
Kharal, patan yantra
1week mardan – fill in patanyantra – puta – Gaj shaped satva obtained
Rasa chintamani 5/119-121
Atasi taila, saindhav,
Empty iron vessel heat – add atasi taila + hartal – heat – take in clay pot – sandhi bandhan -6hr heat – obtained stava
Rasa prakash shudhakar 6/6-10
Kullath kwath, tankan, buffalo’s ghee, honey, errand beej
Kharal, valuka yantra
Triturate for 1day with each ingredient, dry made pills – 36hr heat – swangsheeta – white satva obtained from neck
Properties of Satva : Bright, heavy, silvery, not evaporate in contact with fire
Dose: ½ to 1 gunja
Use kajjali and sharakara for 3 days or use yavakshar, kushmanda and rajhansas juice for 3 days. These drugs act as an antidote and thus prevent its bad effects.
Darshit Joshi
B.Pharma [Ayurveda]
Cool Insulting lines
1. Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!
2. Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?
3. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
4. I'd like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks?
5. At least there's one thing good about your body. It isn't as ugly as your face!
6. Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing
6. Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing
7. Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head!
8. I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.
9. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
10. If I had a face like yours. I'd sue my parents!
11. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!
12. Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
13. Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent!
14. Don't you love nature, despite what it did to you?
15. Don't think, it may sprain your brain!
16. Fellows like you don't grow from trees; they swing from them.
17. He has a mechanical mind. Too bad he forgot to wind it up this morning.
18. He has a mind like a steel trap-always closed!
19. You are a man of the world-and you know what sad shape the world is in.
20. He is always lost in thought-it's unfamiliar territory.
21. He is dark and handsome. When it's dark, he's handsome.
22. He is known as a miracle comic. if he's funny, it's a miracle!
23. He is listed in Who's Who as What's That?
24. He is living proof that man can live without a brain!
25. He is so short, when it rains he is always the last one to know.
26. He is the kind of a man that you would use as a blueprint to build an idiot.
27. How come you're here? I thought the zoo is closed at night!
28. How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?
29. How much refund do you expect on your head now that it's empty.
30. How would you like to feel the way you look?
31. Hi! I'm a human being! What are you?
32. I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in the next 10 years?33. I don't want you to turn the other cheek; it's just as ugly.
34. I don't know who you are, but whatever you are, I'm sure everyone will agree with me.
35. I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.
36. I could make a monkey out of you, but why should I take all the credit?
37. I can't seem to remember your name, and please don't help me!
38. I don't even like the people you're trying to imitate, if you are at all.
39. I know you were born silly, but why did you have a relapse?
40. I know you're a self-made man. It's nice of you to take the blame!
41. I know you're not as stupid as you look. Nobody could be!
42. I've seen people like you, but I had to pay admission!
43. Why are you so stupid today? Anyway, I think that's very typical of you.
44. Do u practice being this ugly?
Keep Smilin FRNDZ.. love you all..
Careers in Ayurveda
Today lots of Ayurvedic Pharmacies are coming up & there's an increase in craze for herbal products worldwide. Infact it's one of the latest fields with a huge market potential & that's why Indian Government is looking forward to its growth as a breeding ground for earning foreign exchange. Skilled persons are lacking in this field both in Public & Private sectors. Hence a need was felt to develop a task force specialized in Ayurvedic Manufacturing &/dispensing. Hence a need for such a course was felt. More-over self-employment is the need of the hour & that's why professional courses are in demand. Starting Diploma in Ayd Pharmacy is like moving one more step forward in this direction.
As most of the students must be having insecurity/dilemma regarding their future in this field, I thought of sharing my views with you. I hope this piece of information will help you in shaping your career instead of just completing a degree & you could learn Ayurveda in true spirit & after stepping out of the college could make a new vision & reach new horizons & give new direction to others that follow.
Remember-" Without changing the old ways, new dimensions of life & living cannot be achieved." So initially be prepared for Sweat & perspiration but the positive results are guaranteed. Remember Ayurveda is a Spiritual Science & is a complex subject. Persons who have indepth knowledge & have understood basic fundamentals of Ayurveda feel that basic fundamentals of ayurveda are infact the most scientifically laid out. That's why it's still relevant in this jet age. Its role in the field of "Social & Preventive Medicine" is of utmost importance.
Opportunities for professional growth- Courses of study in Ayurvedic Pharmacy as offered in different universities are -
1. Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (D.Pharma)-2 yrs
2. Bachelor in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (B.Pharma)-4 yrs
3. Master in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (M.Pharma)-2 yrs
4. Master of Science in Medicinal Plants (M.Sc Medicinal Plants)-2 yrs
5. PG Diploma in Ayurvedic Drug Standardisation- 1 yr
6. MBA ( Pharma) specially designed for Pharmacy graduates-2 yrs
7. Certificate course in Ayd Cosmetics-1 yr
Course 1. is offered by many colleges in India
Course 2,3,4 is available at Gujrat Ayurvedic University, Jamnagar (Details of Admission Procedure etc at www.ayurveduniversity.com)
Course 5 is offered at Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU (Details at www.bhu.ac.in)
Course 6 is offered in many universities. Not sure whether Ayurvedic Pharmacy graduates are eligible because this course has been recently developed. For Enquiries you can contact National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Mohali, Chandigarh (www.niper.org.in)
Course 7 offered at Pune University (www.unipune.ernet.in)
Job Opportunities- In India-
1. Pharmacist at Govt. Ayd Dispensaries (GAD) &/ Hospitals/ institutes
2. Can open ones own retail shop of Ayd medicines.
3. Open up ones own pharmacy after experience of 1-2 yrs of production in a reputed firm. Because only after that you can apply for a drug manufacturing license.
4. Jobs as Sales Executive in Ayd. Pharmaceutical companies.
5. Teaching in Ayurvedic Institutes after doing B.Pharma/M.Pharma
1. Can join colleges of Herbal Medicine & work abroad as a specialist in herbal medicine.
2. Apart from these streams you can also apply for other PG Exams if you have done a degree because it's a recognized qualifications.
Some Suggestions On How to Shape Your Career -
1. Join a foreign Language course besides doing your diploma/degree because it's an advantage & you can immigrate to other countries easily. You also get better & lucrative jobs if you have knowledge of some Modern European Language. Presently K.U.K is offering evening classes of Certificate & Diploma courses (Both 1 yr) in German & French. Only after doing certificate course you can go for Diploma. Admissions begin in Aug-Sept. & Final Exams usually are in April.
2. Read regular news features like HT Careers, Employment news & others alike to brush up your knowledge regarding job opportunities in various fields to develop a broad outlook.
3 Develop Your CV/Resume & send it to various pharmaceutical companies. Explore yourself. Develop a vision. Don't follow others, let others follow you. Note- Marks are also v.imp besides having a practical outlook atleast for initial placements. (It creates an impact on the employer if you are academically sound. No gains without pains). So don't ignore this fact & develop your scholastic documents. If you manage to get a scholarship that will also be an advantage.
4. I would strongly recommend you to join some local Ayd pharmacy as a trainee for practical experience (at least for 1 yr). It will clear your fundamentals in theory as also you'll have an experience working in that set-up. This will be a strong point for purpose of employment. Don't forget to get a letter of recommendation from the prospective trainer after you leave that pharmacy.
5. Explore possible job opportunities on net.
6. Share each other's experiences
I sincerely hope that this piece of information would be of genuine help to you. If even a single person could benefit from this I shall feel fortunate. For any problems / queries you are most welcome. Wish you the very best in life. Keep the faith in yourself & Ayurveda.
Hoep it will find you better solution..
Darshit Joshi
+91 - 9427 9427 72
As most of the students must be having insecurity/dilemma regarding their future in this field, I thought of sharing my views with you. I hope this piece of information will help you in shaping your career instead of just completing a degree & you could learn Ayurveda in true spirit & after stepping out of the college could make a new vision & reach new horizons & give new direction to others that follow.
Remember-" Without changing the old ways, new dimensions of life & living cannot be achieved." So initially be prepared for Sweat & perspiration but the positive results are guaranteed. Remember Ayurveda is a Spiritual Science & is a complex subject. Persons who have indepth knowledge & have understood basic fundamentals of Ayurveda feel that basic fundamentals of ayurveda are infact the most scientifically laid out. That's why it's still relevant in this jet age. Its role in the field of "Social & Preventive Medicine" is of utmost importance.
Opportunities for professional growth- Courses of study in Ayurvedic Pharmacy as offered in different universities are -
1. Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (D.Pharma)-2 yrs
2. Bachelor in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (B.Pharma)-4 yrs
3. Master in Ayurvedic Pharmacy (M.Pharma)-2 yrs
4. Master of Science in Medicinal Plants (M.Sc Medicinal Plants)-2 yrs
5. PG Diploma in Ayurvedic Drug Standardisation- 1 yr
6. MBA ( Pharma) specially designed for Pharmacy graduates-2 yrs
7. Certificate course in Ayd Cosmetics-1 yr
Course 1. is offered by many colleges in India
Course 2,3,4 is available at Gujrat Ayurvedic University, Jamnagar (Details of Admission Procedure etc at www.ayurveduniversity.com)
Course 5 is offered at Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU (Details at www.bhu.ac.in)
Course 6 is offered in many universities. Not sure whether Ayurvedic Pharmacy graduates are eligible because this course has been recently developed. For Enquiries you can contact National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Mohali, Chandigarh (www.niper.org.in)
Course 7 offered at Pune University (www.unipune.ernet.in)
Job Opportunities- In India-
1. Pharmacist at Govt. Ayd Dispensaries (GAD) &/ Hospitals/ institutes
2. Can open ones own retail shop of Ayd medicines.
3. Open up ones own pharmacy after experience of 1-2 yrs of production in a reputed firm. Because only after that you can apply for a drug manufacturing license.
4. Jobs as Sales Executive in Ayd. Pharmaceutical companies.
5. Teaching in Ayurvedic Institutes after doing B.Pharma/M.Pharma
1. Can join colleges of Herbal Medicine & work abroad as a specialist in herbal medicine.
2. Apart from these streams you can also apply for other PG Exams if you have done a degree because it's a recognized qualifications.
Some Suggestions On How to Shape Your Career -
1. Join a foreign Language course besides doing your diploma/degree because it's an advantage & you can immigrate to other countries easily. You also get better & lucrative jobs if you have knowledge of some Modern European Language. Presently K.U.K is offering evening classes of Certificate & Diploma courses (Both 1 yr) in German & French. Only after doing certificate course you can go for Diploma. Admissions begin in Aug-Sept. & Final Exams usually are in April.
2. Read regular news features like HT Careers, Employment news & others alike to brush up your knowledge regarding job opportunities in various fields to develop a broad outlook.
3 Develop Your CV/Resume & send it to various pharmaceutical companies. Explore yourself. Develop a vision. Don't follow others, let others follow you. Note- Marks are also v.imp besides having a practical outlook atleast for initial placements. (It creates an impact on the employer if you are academically sound. No gains without pains). So don't ignore this fact & develop your scholastic documents. If you manage to get a scholarship that will also be an advantage.
4. I would strongly recommend you to join some local Ayd pharmacy as a trainee for practical experience (at least for 1 yr). It will clear your fundamentals in theory as also you'll have an experience working in that set-up. This will be a strong point for purpose of employment. Don't forget to get a letter of recommendation from the prospective trainer after you leave that pharmacy.
5. Explore possible job opportunities on net.
6. Share each other's experiences
I sincerely hope that this piece of information would be of genuine help to you. If even a single person could benefit from this I shall feel fortunate. For any problems / queries you are most welcome. Wish you the very best in life. Keep the faith in yourself & Ayurveda.
Hoep it will find you better solution..
Darshit Joshi
+91 - 9427 9427 72
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